هكذا تعقمون هواتفكم لتجنب كورونا

هكذا تعقمون هواتفكم لتجنب كورونا أثبتت الدراسات بأن الهواتف الجوالة عادة ما تكون موبوءة بالجراثيم والفيروسات التي تظل عالقة بها لأيام، وربما حتى لأسابيع. فقد أكد المركز الاميركي للسيطرة على الامراض والوقاية منها " CDC " ان تعقيم الهواتف المحمولة يحول دون وصول فيروس كورونا المستجد "كوفيد 19" الى يديك وبالتالي الى داخل جسمك. ومع ارتفاع خطر تفشي فيروس كورونا حول العالم، ظهرت العديد من النصائح الوقائية، أهمها غسل اليدين بكثرة وتطهير الأشياء التي تلمسها اليدان باستمرار، ومن أبرزها الهاتف المحمول. لقد أصبحت الجوالات الذكية جزءً مهما من حياتنا وضروريا لإنجاز أغلب المهام وأصبح من الطبيعي أن يرافقنا الجوال في كل مكان نذهب إليه خلال يومنا سواء كنت تحمله في يدك أو تحتفظ به في جيبك وحتى إن كنت تضعه ضمن غطاء للحماية سوف يتعرض الجوال إلى الكثير من الأوساخ والبكتيريا والغباروالفيروسات وربما أيضا فيروس كورونا المستجد "كوفيد 19" وبما أنّ لا أحد يحب أن يحمل جوالا متسخا   او مصدر عدوي يجب أن نحافظ على نظافة هذا الجوال باستمرار لكن كيف يمكننا تنظيف ال...

أسئلة الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية | الاحياء الدقيقة (الميكروبيولوجي) (7)

الأحياء الدقيقة  (الميكروبيولوجي) (7)
1.     Negative Mantoux test is important in
a.     Pulmonary Koch’s syndrome
b.     Sarcoidosis
c.      Carcinoma bronchus
d.     Lymphoma

2.     Bacilli Calmette Guerin (BCG) contains the avirulent strains of
a.     Human tubercle bacilli
b.     Avian tubercle bacilli
c.      Bovine tubercle bacilli
d.     A typical mycobacteria
3.     Drugs used against tuberculosis (TB) are
a.     Refampicin, Isoniazid
b.     Pyrazinamide, Streptomycin
c.      Both a and b
d.     None of these
4.     The greatest number of tubercle bacilli is present in
a.     Large sized tuberculomas
b.     Miliary tuberculosis
c.      Tuberculous lymphadinitis
d.     Tuberculous cavity of the lung
5.     Histoid Hansen is a veriety of
a.     Tuberculoid Leprosy
b.     Borderline tuberculoid
c.      Borderline lepramatous
d.     Lepronmetous leprosy
6.      Streptococcus pyogens produces all of the following lesions, except
a.     Impetigo contagiosa
b.     Erysipeals
c.      Boil
d.     Paronchia
7.     Causative agent of Scarlet fever:
a.     Staphylococcus aureus
b.     Streptococcus viridans
c.      Stre. pyogens
d.     None of these
8.     Rheumatic fever is most commonly caused by
a.     Str. Viridians
b.     Str. pyogenes
c.      Stph. aures
d.     None of these
9.     Penicillin is the drug of choice for
a.     Scarlet fever
b.     Whooping cough
c.      Brucellosis
d.     Cholera
10.                 In human being str. pneumoniae causes
a.     Septicaemia
b.     Paronychia
c.      Pneumomnia
d.     None of these
11.                 Virulence factor for Stre. pneumoniae:
a.     Capsular polysaccharide
b.     Specific soluble substance
c.      Vi-antigen
d.     Forsmann antigen
12.                 Conjunctivitis in a new born is caused by
a.     Streptococcus
b.     Pneumococcus
c.      Meningococci
d.     None of these
13.                 Influenza is belonging to
a.     Orthomyxoviridae
b.     Retroviridae
c.      Both a and b
d.     None of these
14.                 Influenza virus contains
a.     Eight segments of RNA
b.     Two strands of RNA
c.      Single RNA
d.     None of these
15.                  ‘Reye’s syndrome’ is caused by
a.     St.pneumoniae
b.     St.pyogenes
c.      Influenza
d.     None of these
16.           Geraman measles is also known as
a.     Rubella / 2-day measles
b.     Rubella / 3day measles
c.      Rubella / 4-day measles
d.     Rubella / 1-day measles
17.                 The commonest cause of rubella in new bornes
a.     Congential rubella
b.     Post natal rubella
c.      Expanded rubella syndrome (ERS)
d.     Both a and c
18.                 Mumps virus is belonging go
a.     Retroviriae
b.     Paramyxoviriae
c.      Orthomyxo viridae
d.     None of these
19.                 Measles is characterized by
a.     Negribodies
b.     Babes-Ernest granules
c.      Koplik’s spots
d.     Fever
20.                 Brucella causes
a.     Pertusis
b.     Plague
c.      Brucellosis
d.     None of these
21.                 Mediterranian fever is caused by
a.     M. tuberculosis
b.     S. typhi
c.      C.neoformans
d.     Brucella
22.                 Which of the following test is specific for Brucellosis?
a.     Frei
b.     Weil
c.      Castaneda strip
d.     Rose water
23.                 Malignant pustule is caused by
a.     Anthrax
b.     Tetanus
c.      Diphtheria
d.     None of these
24.                 The commonest form of anthrax in man is
a.     Alimentary
b.     Cutaneous
c.      Pulmonary
d.     Hepatic
25.                 The animals most frequently infected with anthrax are
a.     Sheep
b.     Cattle
c.      Goats
d.     All of these
26.                 Virus causing Rabies is
a.     Orthromyxo virus
b.     Paramyxo virus
c.      Rhbdo virus
d.     Toga viruses
27.                 Rhabdo viruses are belonging to the family:
a.     Rhabdo viridae
b.     Toga viridae
c.      Paramyxo viridae
d.     None of these
28.  Rabies Virus isolated from natural human or animal infection is termed as
a.     Street virus
b.     Fixed virus
c.      Both a and b
d.     None of these
29.                 Rabies virus can multiply in
a.     The central nervous system only
b.     The peripheral nerves
c.      Muscle tissues
d.     All the above
30. Neurological complications following rabies vaccines is common with
a.     Chick embryo vaccine
b.     HDCS vaccine
c.      Semple vaccine
d.     BPL vaccine
31.  Which anti rabic vaccine has been recommended by WHO as the most effective?
a.     Duck embryo vaccine
b.     HDCS vaccine
c.      Sheep brain vaccine
d.     BPL vaccine
32.                 The causative agent of tetanus is
a.     Clostridium botulinum
b.     Cl. tetani
c.      Cl. welchii
d.     Cl. perfringens
33.                 The mode of spread of tetanus neurotoxin from blood to brain is
a.     Via lymphaties
b.     Arterial blood
c.      Cranial nerves
d.     None of these
34.                 Tetanus is caused by spread of
a.     Exotoxin in sympathetic system
b.     Exotoxin in para sympathetic system
c.      Endotoxin in sympathetic system
d.     Endotoxin in parasympathetic system
35.                 The first symptom of tetanus is
a.     Lock jaw
b.     Trismus
c.      Anorexia
d.     Dyspagia
36.                 Of which clostridia, the neurotoxin is most powerful?
a.     Cl. tetani
b.     Cl. welchii
c.      Cl. botulism
d.     Cl. septicum
37.                 Toxin produced by C. botulism is
a.     Botulin
b.     Tetanospasmin
c.      Tetanolysin
d.     Cholaragen
38.                  “Toxic shock syndrome” is caused by the toxin of
a.     Staphylococcus aureus
b.     Streptococcus pyoge
c.      Vibrio cholerae
d.     Candida
39.                 Causative agent of syphilis
a.     T. pallidum
b.     T. pertenue
c.      T. carateum
d.     T. endemicum
40.                 Spirochaelis are sensitive to
a.     Penicillin
b.     Chloramphenicols
c.      Erythromycin
d.     Tetracyclins
41.                 Specific test for syphilis is
a.     VDRL test
b.     ELISA
c.      FTA
d.     None of these
42.                 VDRL test is a
a.     Agglutination test
b.     Slide flocculation test
c.      Precipitation test
d.     None of these
43. The following characters are true about Neisseria gonorrhoeae except
a.     Gram-negative, aerobic bacteria
b.     Non-motile diplococci
c.      Oxidase positive organisms
d.     Air borne infection
44.                 Gonorrhoea is
a.     Air borne disease
b.     Water borne disease
c.      Sexually transmitted venereal disease
d.     Both a and c
45.                 Bartholin cyst is caused by
a.     Candida
b.     Streptococcus
c.      Staphylococcus
d.     Gonococcus
46.                 Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes
a.     Urethritis
b.     Conjuctivitis
c.      Arthritis
d.     All of the above
47.                 Virulence in gonococcus is due to
a.     Pili
b.     Cell membrane
c.      Its cellular location
d.     Cyclic enzymes
48.                 Japanese encephalitis is caused by
a.     Toga Viruses
b.     Arbo Viruses
c.      Para myxo Viruses
d.     Ortho myxo Viruses
49.                 In India, Japanese b encephalitis was first isolated from the mosquitoes of the
a.     Culex tritaeriorhynchus
b.     Culex annulirostris
c.      Culex vishnui
d.     None of these
50.                 Dengue virus is transmitted from man to man by the
a.     Sand fly
b.     Ticks
c.      Aedes aegypti
d.     Culex
51.                 Yellow fever is caused by
a.     Bunya virus
b.     Calci virus
c.      Arbo virus
d.     None of these
52.                 Vector for leishmaniasis is
a.     Tick
b.     Mite
c.      Sand fly
d.     Tsetse fly
53.                 Splenomegaly is an important manifestation of
a.     Kala-agar
b.     Typhoid
c.      Malaria
d.     All of these
54.                 Which of the following is most severly affected in Kala-azar?
a.     Liver
b.     Spleen
c.      Adrenal gland
d.     Bone marrow
55.                 In India, malaria most often spreads by
a.     Anophels cucifacies
b.     Anopheles fluvatis
c.      Anopheles stephensi
d.     Anopheles minimus
56.                 Man is intermediate host for
a.     Guinea Worm
b.     Filaria
c.      Malaria
d.     Kala-azar
57.                 Which of the following preferably infects reticulocytes?
a.     P. ovale
b.     P.vivax
c.      P.falciparum
d.     P.malaria
58. In which type of material parasite in the exoerythrocytic stage absent?
a.     P.ovale
b.     P.vivax
c.      P.falciparum
d.     P. malariae
59.                 In falciparum malaria, all of the following stages are seen except
a.     Ring stage
b.     Schizont
c.      Gametocyte
d.     None of these
60.     Sporozite vaccine in malaria has
a.     Induces antibodies
b.     Prevents only asexual forms with reproduction
c.      No effects on clinical illness
d.     None of the above
يُتبع  Continued


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