هكذا تعقمون هواتفكم لتجنب كورونا

هكذا تعقمون هواتفكم لتجنب كورونا أثبتت الدراسات بأن الهواتف الجوالة عادة ما تكون موبوءة بالجراثيم والفيروسات التي تظل عالقة بها لأيام، وربما حتى لأسابيع. فقد أكد المركز الاميركي للسيطرة على الامراض والوقاية منها " CDC " ان تعقيم الهواتف المحمولة يحول دون وصول فيروس كورونا المستجد "كوفيد 19" الى يديك وبالتالي الى داخل جسمك. ومع ارتفاع خطر تفشي فيروس كورونا حول العالم، ظهرت العديد من النصائح الوقائية، أهمها غسل اليدين بكثرة وتطهير الأشياء التي تلمسها اليدان باستمرار، ومن أبرزها الهاتف المحمول. لقد أصبحت الجوالات الذكية جزءً مهما من حياتنا وضروريا لإنجاز أغلب المهام وأصبح من الطبيعي أن يرافقنا الجوال في كل مكان نذهب إليه خلال يومنا سواء كنت تحمله في يدك أو تحتفظ به في جيبك وحتى إن كنت تضعه ضمن غطاء للحماية سوف يتعرض الجوال إلى الكثير من الأوساخ والبكتيريا والغباروالفيروسات وربما أيضا فيروس كورونا المستجد "كوفيد 19" وبما أنّ لا أحد يحب أن يحمل جوالا متسخا   او مصدر عدوي يجب أن نحافظ على نظافة هذا الجوال باستمرار لكن كيف يمكننا تنظيف ال...

تقنية مختبرات (3) | أسئلة الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية

تقنية مختبرات (3) مع (Answer key with explanations)
General Lab.
Choose the most appropriate single answer.
1. The primary mechanism responsible for glomerular filtration is:
a.      Osmotic gradient
b.      Concentration of blood components
c.      Rate of blood flow through the kidneys
d.      Hydrostatic differential in glomerular tufts 

2. Which of the following best describes a minor crossmatch:
a.      Reaction of donor cells with recipient serum
b.      Reaction of donor cells with AHG
c.      Reaction of recipient cells with AHG
d.      Reaction of donor serum with recipient cells

3. Fire requires what three elements?
a.      heat, fuel, oxygen
b.      paper, match, gasoline
c.      heat, fuel, nitrogen
d.      lighter fluid, charcoal, grill

4. A 20 year-old female was admitted into the hospital complaining of 10 to 15 bloody mucous stools per day, fever, gastrointestinal disturbances, abdominal pain, and nausea. The preliminary O & P report went out as "Probable Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites and cysts, confirmation pending." This patient is most likely suffering from:
a.      Traveler's diarrhea
b.      Extraintestinal amebiasis
c.      Intestinal amebiasis
d.      Giardiasis

5. Which of the following Rh antigens is found the highest frequency in the Caucasian population:
a.      C
b.      E
c.      c
d.      e

6. What is another name used to designate a fully committed B-lymphocyte:
a.      T-lymphocyte
b.      Reactive lymphocyte
c.      Large lymphocyte
d.      Plasma cell

7. Serum calcitonin is typically elevated in which of the following conditions:
a.      Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid
b.      Hyperthyroidism
c.      Glioblastoma
d.      Adrenal adenoma

8. Warfarin inhibits all the following coagulation Factors except:
a.      Factor II
b.      Factor IX
c.      Factor VII
d.      Factor XI

9. Serum proteins can be separated by cellulose acetate electrophoresis into how many basic fractions:
a.      4 fractions
b.      5 fractions
c.      6 fractions
d.      7 fractions

10. Which of the following specimens would not be considered suitable for anaerobic culture:
a.      Drainage from a puncture wound
b.      Throat swab
c.      Drainage from abdomen
d.      Blood culture

11. following is not necessary for bacteria to grow successfully on artificial media:
a.      Pure isolate
b.      Proper temperature
c.      Proper Ph
d.      Proper moisture

12. Why would a unit of group O blood never be administered to a Bombay patient:
a.      Anti-A in donor
b.      Anti-B in donor
c.      Anti-H in donor
d.      Anti-H in recipient

13. Total magnification of a microscope can be determined by:
a.      Multiplying power of objective times the power of the ocular
b.      Dividing the power of objective by the power of the ocular
c.      Dividing the power of the ocular by the power of the objective
d.      Adding the power of the ocular and objective together X 10

14. IgM antibodies directed against red cells generally:
a.      React best at 37 degrees Celsius
b.      Cause severe hemolytic reactions
c.      Are identified using the AHG test
d.      React best at room temperature

15. Which of the following organisms is not an aerobic organism:
a.      Francisella
b.      Bacteroides
c.      Pseudomonas
d.      Neisseria

16. Which of the following statements about Rickettsia is false:
a.      They are obligate intracellular parasites
b.      They are gram negative bacilli
c.      Associated diseases are usually diagnosed by serology
d.      They are cultured in many hospital laboratories

17. Coarse basophilic stippling in all of the following EXCEPT:
a.      Megaloblastic anemias
b.      Thalassemias
c.      Lead poisoning
d.      Hemolytic anemia

18. Human chorionic gonadatropin (hCG) is used in the determination of:
a.      Liver function
b.      Fetal maturity
c.      Pregnancy
d.      Steroid levels

19. Estrogen and progesterone markers are most commonly used to provide prognostic information about:
a.      Breast cancer
b.      Uterine cancer
c.      Menopause
d.      Cervical cancer

20. Materials such as strong acids and bases are classified as:
a.      Corrosives
b.      Chemical irritants
c.      Flammable liquids
d.      Carcinogens

21. Elevation in conjugated bilirubin is most likely to be found in which of the following conditions:
a.      Transfusion reactions
b.      Erythroblastosis fetalis
c.      Cirrhosis of the liver
d.      Biliary obstruction

22. Pluripotential stem cells are capable of producing which of the following:
a.      Only T-lymphocyte and B-lymphocyte subsets
b.      Erythropoietin, thrombopoietin and leukopoietin
c.      Lymphoid and myeloid stem cells
d.      Daughter cells from only a single cell line

23. What is the largest constituent of plasma nonprotein nitrogen:
a.      Ammonia
b.      Creatinine
c.      Ketones
d.      Urea

24. What principle(s) of flow cytometry are employed when performing immunophenotyping:
a.      Defraction gradients Impedance
b.      Defraction gradients and impedance
c.      Flourescent antibody tagging and light scatter

25. Which is arranged from least mature to most mature:
a.       Stem Cell, Rubriblast, Prorubricyte, Rubricyte, Metarubricyte, Reticulocyte, Erythrocyte
b.      Stem Cell, Prorubricyte, Metarubricyte, Erythrocyte, Rubriblast, Rubricyte, Reticulocyte
c.       Erythrocyte, Reticulocyte, Metarubricyte, Rubricyte, Prorubricyte, Rubriblast, Stem Cell
d.      Rubricyte, Rubriblast, Stem Cell, Prorubricyte, Erythrocyte, Reticulocyte, Metarubrictye

26. The term used to describe patients with absence of Rh antigens is:
a.      Rhd
b.      Rhnull
c.      Rhmod
d.      Rho

27. Which is the best method for examination of synovial crystals:
a.      Phase contrast
b.      Darkfield microscopy
c.      Brightfield microscopy
d.      Polarized light

28. Which of the following antibodies is the most common cause of hemolytic disease of the newborn:
a.      Anti-A
b.      Anti-B
c.      Anti-E
d.      Anti-D

29.  Which of the following is not true about members of the Enterobacteriaceae:
a.      Gram-negative
b.      Oxidase positive
c.      Reduce nitrate to nitrite
d.      Ferment glucose

30. Which one of the following is not a benefit of using packed RBCs:
a.      Decreasing the load of potential donor antibodies
b.      Decreasing the risk of transfusion associated infection
c.      Decreasing plasma volume
d.      More efficient use of the whole blood unit

31. The adult worms of which of the following reside in the intestine or its blood vessels:
a.      Heterophyes heterophyes
b.      Schistosoma mansoni
c.      Clonorchis sinensis
d.      Schistosoma haematobium
e.      Both a & b

32. If a test is said to have a sensitivity of 95%, it will :
a.      Miss 5 out of 100 negatives
b.      Miss 5 out of 100 positives
c.      Detect 5 out of 100 positives
d.      Detect 5 out of 100 negatives

33. Which one of the following are not associated with a polyclonal (broadbased) increase in gamma globulins?
a.      Liver disease
b.      Chronic inflammation
c.      Immune reaction
d.      Immunodeficiency

34. Which of the following tests would be used to directly document the presence of a specific organism in a clinical specimen:
a.      ELISA test
b.      Hemagglutination test
c.      Hemagglutination inhibition test
d.      Direct fluorescent antibody test

35. That portion of an enzyme which is separated from its cofactor is called a(n):
a.      Partial enzyme
b.      Isoenzyme
c.      Coenzyme
d.      Apoenzyme

36. Increases in the MB fraction of CK is associated with:
a.      Liver disease
b.      Bone disease
c.      Muscle trauma
d.      Mycardial infarction

37. A normal hemoglobin molecule is comprised of the following:
a.      Ferrous iron and four globin chains
b.      Four heme and four globin chains
c.      Four heme and one globin chains
d.      One heme and four globin chains.

38. Increased excretion of creatinine would be expected in which of the following groups:
a.      Elderly males/females
b.      Adult males
c.      Adult females
d.      Children/infants

39. Pheochromocytoma is a tumor of the adrenal medulla that results in elevated urinary levels of all but which of the following:
a.      Cortisol
b.      Free catecholamines
c.      Metanephrines
d.      Vanillylmandelic acid

40. Match the clotting factor with its commonly associated name:
a.      Factor II                1.    Fibrinogen
b.      Factor I                 2.    Prothrombin 
c.      Factor V                3.    Proaccelerin

41. Match the type of hepatitis with its route of transmission
a.      Fecal and Oral       1.  Hepatitis C
b.      Parenteral              2.   Hepatitis A
c.      Parenteral              3.   Hepatitis B

يُتبع  Continued    


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