هكذا تعقمون هواتفكم لتجنب كورونا

هكذا تعقمون هواتفكم لتجنب كورونا أثبتت الدراسات بأن الهواتف الجوالة عادة ما تكون موبوءة بالجراثيم والفيروسات التي تظل عالقة بها لأيام، وربما حتى لأسابيع. فقد أكد المركز الاميركي للسيطرة على الامراض والوقاية منها " CDC " ان تعقيم الهواتف المحمولة يحول دون وصول فيروس كورونا المستجد "كوفيد 19" الى يديك وبالتالي الى داخل جسمك. ومع ارتفاع خطر تفشي فيروس كورونا حول العالم، ظهرت العديد من النصائح الوقائية، أهمها غسل اليدين بكثرة وتطهير الأشياء التي تلمسها اليدان باستمرار، ومن أبرزها الهاتف المحمول. لقد أصبحت الجوالات الذكية جزءً مهما من حياتنا وضروريا لإنجاز أغلب المهام وأصبح من الطبيعي أن يرافقنا الجوال في كل مكان نذهب إليه خلال يومنا سواء كنت تحمله في يدك أو تحتفظ به في جيبك وحتى إن كنت تضعه ضمن غطاء للحماية سوف يتعرض الجوال إلى الكثير من الأوساخ والبكتيريا والغباروالفيروسات وربما أيضا فيروس كورونا المستجد "كوفيد 19" وبما أنّ لا أحد يحب أن يحمل جوالا متسخا   او مصدر عدوي يجب أن نحافظ على نظافة هذا الجوال باستمرار لكن كيف يمكننا تنظيف ال...

أسئلة الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية | الاحياء الدقيقة (الميكروبيولوجي) (3)


أحياء دقيقة  (ميكروبيولوجي) (3)
1.     Sporozite vaccine in malaria has
a.     Induces antibodies
b.     Prevents only asexual forms with reproduction
c.      No effects on clinical illness
d.     None of the above

2.     Growing trophozoites and schizonts are not seen in the peripheral blood in malaria due to
a.     P. falciparum
b.     P.vivax
c.      P.ovale
d.     P. malaria
3.     Thin blood smear for malaria is used to identify
a.     Plasmodium
b.     Gametocytes
c.      Type of parasite
d.     Schizont
4.     The radical teatment of malaria is to half
a.     Gametocyte
b.     Exo-erythrocytic phase
c.      Erythrocytic phase
d.     All of these
5.     Symptoms of acute aflatoxicosis
a.     Osteogenic sarcoma
b.     Lymphatic leukemia
c.      Malaise & Anorexia
d.     Both a and b
6.     Most important Penicillium toxins are
a.     Citrinin
b.     Patulin
c.      Penicillic acid
d.     All of the above
7.     Penicillic acid is produced by
a.     A. ochraceus
b.     P. puberulum
c.      Both a and b
d.     None of the above
8.     Fungi producting mycelium are called
a.     Moulds
b.     Filamentous fungi
c.      Both a and b
d.     Yeasts
9.     Candidiasis is caused by
a.     Candida albicans
b.     Aspergillus spp.
c.      E. floccosum
d.     M. audouinii
10.                 Candida albicans is capable to form
a.     Single cells
b.     Pseudomonas
c.      Multicellular forms
d.     None of these
11.                 Aspergillus fumigatus can infect
a.     A. niger
b.     A. fumigatus
c.      A. flavus
d.     A. oryzae
12.                 A.fumigates can produce
a.     Endotoxins
b.     Exotoxins
c.      Enterotoxins
d.     None of these
13.                 The drug of choice for dermal, oral and vaginal candidiasis is
a.     Griseofulvin
b.     Amphotericin B
c.      Gentian violet
d.     Nystatin
14.                 The following Penicillium species are pathogenic except
a.     P. commune
b.     P. bicolor
c.      P. glaucum
d.     P.notatum
15.                 143. Tinea versicolor is caused by
a.     Candida albicans
b.     Malassezia furfur
c.      Aspergillus niger
d.     None of these
16.                 Causative agent of Tinea nigra
a.     Malassezia furfur
b.     Exophiala werenekii
c.      Candida albicans
d.     Aspergillus flavus
17.                 Causative agent of African histoplasmosis
a.     Histoplasma capsulatum
b.     Histoplasma duboissi
c.      Aspergillus niger
d.     Aspergillus flavus
18.                 Sun ray fungus is
a.     Actinomyces irraeli
b.     Chromoblastomycosis
c.      Streptomyces griseus
d.     Cryptococcosis
19.                 Which agent on addition to a colony inhibits its growth and on removal the colony regrows is?
a.     Bacteriostatic
b.     Bactericidal
c.      Antibiotic
d.     Antiseptic
20.                 Griseofluvin is obtained from
a.     Penicillium notatum
b.     Streptomyces griseus
c.      Penicillium griseofluvin
d.     None of these
21.                 β-lactum ring is present in
a.     Erythromycin
b.     Penicillin
c.      Tetracyclins
d.     Chloramphenicol
22.                 All of the following drugs act on cell membrane, except
a.     Novobiocin
b.     Nystatin
c.      Chloromycetin
d.     Colicins
23.                 Cycloserine related to the amino acid in structure
a.     Serine
b.     Aspergine
c.      Alanine
d.     None of these
24.                 In Tuberculosis therapy mainly used antibiotic is
a.     Penicillin
b.     Streptomycin
c.      Chloramphenol
d.     Cycloserine
25.                 The antibacterial action of penicillin is due to its effect on
a.     Cell membrane permeability
b.     Cell wall synthesis
c.      DNA synthesis
d.     Protein synthesis
26.                 The antibiotic produced from Bacillus subtilis is
a.     Vancomycin
b.     Bactiracin
c.      Both a and b
d.     None of these
27.                 bacitracin sensitivity test is done for
a.     Pneunocci
b.     Group ‘A’ Streptococci
c.      Gonococci
d.     Staphylococci
28.                 The effect of antibiotics on microorganisms is mainly due to
a.     Inhibition of cell-wall synthesis
b.     Damage to the cytoplasmic membrane
c.      Inhibition of nucleic acid and protein synthesis
d.     All of the above
29.                 The antibiotic acting on cell wall is
a.     Penicillin
b.     Bacitracin
c.      Cyclosporin
d.     All of the above
30.                 Erythromycin belongs to chemical class of antibiotics
a.     â-lactose
b.     Tetracyclines
c.      Macrolides
d.     Aminoglycosides
31.                 Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is transmitted by
a.     Transduction
b.     Transformation
c.      Mutation
d.     Plasmids
32.                 Erythromycin inhibits protein synthesis by
a.     Attaching to 30 S ribosome unit
b.     Attaching to 50 S unit or ribosome
c.      By the attachment to t-RNA
d.     By the attachment to m-RNA
33.                 The function of (THFA) Tetrahydrofolic acid coenzyme include
a.     Amino acid synthesis
b.     Thymidine synthesis
c.      Protein synthesis
d.     Both a and b
34.                 Resistant to drugs in tuberculosis develops by
a.     Transduction
b.     Transformation
c.      Conjugation
d.     Mutation
35. Which of the following is penicillinase resistant acid labile penicillin?
a.     Amoxycillin
b.     Cloxacillin
c.      Carbenicillin
d.     Methicillin
36.                 Which of the following does not inhibit cell wall synthesis?
a.     Penicillin
b.     Carbenicillin
c.      Amikacin
d.     Vancomycin
37.                 The anti tumor antibiotics act by inhibiting
a.     Cell wall synthesis
b.     RNA synthesis
c.      Cell membrane synthesis
d.     The DNA structure & function
38.                 Drug resistance to sulphonamides is due to
a.     Production of PABA
b.     Folic acid synthetase
c.      Drug alteration
d.     Low affinity for drug synthesis by bacteria
39.                 Amoxycillin is combined with clavulanic acid to inhibit
a.     DNA gyrace
b.     Cell synthesis
c.      Protein synthesis
d.     β-lactamase enzymes
40.                 Drug of choice for methicillin resistant staph. Aureus is
a.     Ampicillin
b.     Erythromycin
c.      Neomycin
d.     Vancomycin
41.                 Nalidixic acid activity is due to
a.     The inhibition of DNA synthesis
b.     Inhibition of protein synthesis
c.      The inhibition of cell wall synthesis
d.     Both b and c
42.                 The best test for the susceptibility of a microorganism to antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic agents:
a.     Tube-dilution test
b.     Paper-disc (antibiotic) test
c.      Both a and b
d.     None of these
43.                 The smallest amount of chemotherapeutic agents required to inhibit the growth of the organism in Vitro is known as
a.     MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration)
b.     Thermal death point (TDP)
c.      Death rate
d.     None of these
44.                 Clear-zones formation around antibiotic disc is due to
a.     Growth of the bacterium surrounding of the disc
b.     Lysis of the bacterial cells surrounding the disc
c.      The destruction of paper disc (antibiotic)
d.     None of these
45.                 Bacitracin is obtained from
a.     B. subtilis
b.     B. anthracis
c.      B. cereus
d.     B. anthracoid
46.                 Vancomycin is obtained from
a.     Streptococcus species
b.     Aspergillus niger
c.      Streptomyces orientalis
d.     Bacillus anthracis
47.                 175. â-lactum antibiotics are
a.     Penicillin
b.     Cephalosporin
c.      Both a & b
d.     None of these
48.                 Virus causing mumps is also responsible for
a.     Measles
b.     Hepatitis A
c.      Rabies
d.     Variola
49.  Epidemic pleurodynia and myocarditis of new born infants are both caused by
a.     Group B cox sack virus
b.     Reovirus
c.      Polyomavirus
d.     Cytomegalovirus
50.                 Human papillomavirus causes following tumors:
a.     Hepatic carcinoma
b.     Cervical cancer
c.      Condyloma acuminatum
d.     Plantar wart
يُتبع  Continued


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