هكذا تعقمون هواتفكم لتجنب كورونا

هكذا تعقمون هواتفكم لتجنب كورونا أثبتت الدراسات بأن الهواتف الجوالة عادة ما تكون موبوءة بالجراثيم والفيروسات التي تظل عالقة بها لأيام، وربما حتى لأسابيع. فقد أكد المركز الاميركي للسيطرة على الامراض والوقاية منها " CDC " ان تعقيم الهواتف المحمولة يحول دون وصول فيروس كورونا المستجد "كوفيد 19" الى يديك وبالتالي الى داخل جسمك. ومع ارتفاع خطر تفشي فيروس كورونا حول العالم، ظهرت العديد من النصائح الوقائية، أهمها غسل اليدين بكثرة وتطهير الأشياء التي تلمسها اليدان باستمرار، ومن أبرزها الهاتف المحمول. لقد أصبحت الجوالات الذكية جزءً مهما من حياتنا وضروريا لإنجاز أغلب المهام وأصبح من الطبيعي أن يرافقنا الجوال في كل مكان نذهب إليه خلال يومنا سواء كنت تحمله في يدك أو تحتفظ به في جيبك وحتى إن كنت تضعه ضمن غطاء للحماية سوف يتعرض الجوال إلى الكثير من الأوساخ والبكتيريا والغباروالفيروسات وربما أيضا فيروس كورونا المستجد "كوفيد 19" وبما أنّ لا أحد يحب أن يحمل جوالا متسخا   او مصدر عدوي يجب أن نحافظ على نظافة هذا الجوال باستمرار لكن كيف يمكننا تنظيف ال...

أسئلة الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية | تقنية مختبرات (1)

تقنية مختبرات
مراجع الامتحان
1.      Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Monica Cheesbrough (latest Edition)
2.      Manual on Standard Operation Procedures, Sample Collection and Reference Ranges for Clinical Chemistry, Meliyanthi M. Gunatillaka (latest Edition)
3.      Clinical Immunology and Serology, Christine Dorresteyn Stevens (latest Edition)
4.      Molecular Cell Biology, Harvey Lodish (latest Edition)

طبيعة ومحتوى الامتحان
Passing Score​
Relative Percentage​
Evaluation Item​
​ Topics:​

 (100 MCQs, 2 ½ hours​)
     50%​ ​
1.     Safety, Quality Control and Ethics​
2.     Bacteriology​
3.     Virology​
4.     Mycology​
5.     Immunology​
6.     Parasitology​
7.     Hematology​
8.     Blood Bank​
9.     Biochemistry​
10.                        Hormones​
11.                        Urinalysis​
12.                        Genetics​
​ Total​

آخر تعديل : الاثنين 17 رمضان 1435 هـ - 14/7 / 2014 م
تقنية مختبرات (1)
General Lab.
Choose the most appropriate single answer.
1. Which of the following is a confirmatory test for syphilis:
a.      RPR
b.      FTA-ABS
c.      VDRL
d.      Wasserman Test
2. The most likely cause of an elevated potassium level in an apparently normal individual is:
a.      Contamination
b.      Hemolysis
c.      Acute renal failure
d.      Interfering substances
3. Metabolic acidosis is characterized by:
a.      Increased pCO2
b.      Hypoventilation
c.      Low pH
d.      High pH
4. The Quelling test is useful for which of the following :
a.      Differentiate between Staphylococcus and Streptococcus
b.      Serological typing of Streptococcus pneumonia
c.      Isolation of various strains of Staphylococcus
d.      Isolation of various strains of Streptococcus
5. The relative centrifugal force of a centrifuge may be affected by all except:
a.      Time
b.      Radius of head
c.      RPM
6. Standard precautions means that:
a.      Known infectious patients must be handled with extraordinary care
b.      Mask, gloves and gowns should be worn in all hospital patient's rooms
c.      All specimens must be handled as if they are hazardous and infectious
d.      Always wash your hands before drawing a patient's blood sample
7. RDW is an indication of which of the following:
a.      Variability of RBC volume
b.      Poikilocytosis
c.      Macrocytosis
d.      Microcytosis
8. Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci are best characterized by which of the following:
a.      Positive cAMP test
b.      Optochin sensitivity
c.      Bile esculin hydrolysis
d.      Bacitracin sensitivity
9. The turbidity of the bacterial inoculum of a standard disc diffusion (Kirby-Bauer) susceptibility test is:
a.       0.1 McFarland Standard
b.      0.5  McFarland Standard
c.      1.0  McFarland Standard
d.      2.0  McFarland Standard
10. Which of the following is not a common support medium used in electrophoresis techniques:
a.      Cellulose acetate
b.      Agarose gel
c.      Polyacrylamide gel
d.      Dextrose
11. The normal range for urine pH is:
a.      4.6 to 8.0
b.      5.0 to 6.0
c.      7.0 to 8.0
d.      none of the above
12. Which of the following is not a likely cause of an abnormal thrombin time (TT):
a.      Fibrin split products
b.      Heparin
c.      Aspirin
d.      Dysfibrinogenemia
13. What is the eight hour occupational exposure limit for a chemical called?
a.      Threshold limit value
b.      Threshold time limit
c.      Time limit value
d.      Short term limit
14. Spherocytes are associated with which two of the following conditions:
a.      Hereditary spherocytosis
b.      Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
c.      Thalassemia
d.      Iron deficiency
e.      Both a & b
15. The generally accepted age range for homologous blood donation is:
a.      21 – 65 years
b.      17 – 65 years
c.      15 – 65 years
d.      Over the age of 14 years
16. Which of the following organisms in most frequently associated with endocarditis:
a.      Viruses
b.      Neisseria
c.      Staphlyococci
d.      Streptococci
17. Ionized calcium is most commonly measured using which of the following method:
a.      Flame photometry
b.      Color complex formation between calcium and o-cresolphthalein
c.      Atomic absorption
d.      Calcium ion selective electrodes
18. The prozone effect ( when performing a screening titer) is most likely to result in:
a.      False positive
b.      False negative
c.      No reaction at all
d.      Mixed field reaction
19. Which of the following tests on amniotic fluid would be included when assessing fetal maturity:
a.      Alpha fetoprotein and bilirubin
b.      L/S ratio and bilirubin
c.      Alpha fetoprotein and L/S ratio
d.      Creatinine and L/S ratio
20. Therapeutic hemapheresis may be used to treat all of the following except:
a.      Acute Guillian-Barre syndrome
b.      Paraproteinemia
c.      HIV infections
d.      Cryoglobulinemia
21. A smear that is prepared from equal parts of methylene blue and whole blood will be used for:
a.      WBC differential
b.      Platelet estimates
c.       RBC count
d.      Reticulocyte count
22. Gram positive organisms
a.      resist acetone-alcohol de colorization
b.      always decolorized by acetone alcohol
c.      resist staining by crystal violet
d.      readily stain with safranin in the Gram stain
23. Which of the following are not appropriate indications for the use of fresh frozen plasma:
a.      Volume expansion
b.      Severe bleeding in the presence of significantly elevated PT secondary to vitamin K deficiency
c.      Replacement component after plasma exchange in patients with TTP or HUS
d.      Dilutional coagulopathy with significant active bleeding, and PT and PTT twice normal
24. If a pipette is labeled (TC) " to contain " you would do the following:
a.      Drain pipette, but not blow out
b.      Drain contents then blow out or rinse
c.      Drain to last mark on pipette
d.      Do not consider the meniscus when filling
25. The concentration of sodium chloride in an isotonic solution is :
a.      8.5 %
b.      0.85 %
c.      0.08 %
d.      1.0 molar
26. The positive square root of the variance of a set of values is called:
a.      Median value
b.      Mean value
c.      Standard deviation
d.      Coefficient of variation
27. Patients with antibody to the following antigen are immune to Hepatitis B:
a.      Core antigen
b.      Surface antigen
c.      e antigen
d.      Delta antigen
28. Which one of the following is not a true statement about Chlamydia:
a.      Requires tissue culture for growth
b.      Is a true bacterium
c.      Is an obligate intracellular parasite
d.      Has the nuclear structure of a virus
29. Which of the following species are gram positive:
a.      Streptococcus
b.      Neisseria
c.      Listeria
d.      Lactobacillus
30. Which of the following media is commonly used when performing the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion
a.      Chocolate agar
b.      Mueller-Hinton agar
c.      Thayer-Martin agar
d.      MacConkey agar
31. Which of the following best defines "sensitivity":
a.      The percentage of patients with a disease who will have a positive test
b.      The percentage of patients without a disease who will have a negative test
c.      The percentage of patients with a disease who will have a negative test
d.      The percentage of patients without a disease who will have a positive test
32. What percentage solution of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) is recommended as a routine laboratory disinfectant:
a.      5 %
b.      10%
c.      15%
d.      20%
33. In HDN which of the following antigen-antibody reactions is occurring:
a.      Maternal antibody against fetal antibody
b.      Maternal antigen against fetal antibody
c.      Maternal antibody against fetal antigen
d.      Maternal antigen against fetal antigen
34. Carbon dioxide is predominately found in blood in the form of:
a.      Bound CO2
b.      Bicarbonate ions
c.      Sodium carbonate
d.      PCO2
35. What condition is indicated by the following blood gas results: Bicarbonate = 32 mmol/L (Normal = 22 - 26 mmol/L); pCO2 = 65 mm Hg (Normal = 35 - 45 mmHg); pH = 7.28 (normal = 7.35 - 7.45)
a.      Healthy condition
b.      Uncompensated metabolic acidosis
c.      Compensated metabolic acidosis
d.      Uncompensated respiratory acidosis
36. In a normal CSF the protein concentration as compared to that in the serum is generally:
a.      Less than 50%
b.      Less than 30%
c.      Less than 10%
d.      Less than 1%
37. Which of the following staining methods would you use to demonstrate the metachromatic granules of Corynebacterium diphtheriae:
a.      Acid fast
b.      Gram
c.      Trichrome
d.      Methylene blue
38. Which of the following are not considered normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract:
a.      Lactobacillus
b.      Clostridium
c.      Peptostreptococcus
d.      Shigella
39. All of the following cellular antigens are important to an immunohematologist except:
a.      Blood group antigens
b.      Histocompatibility antigens
c.      Haptens
d.      Autoantigens
40. Which one of the following statements about anti-A1 is false:
a.      Anti-A1 is a naturally occurring antibody that is usually clinically insignificant
b.      Anti-A1 reactive at 37o C can sometimes destroy transfused A1 positive cells
c.      A1 and A2 occur in 80 and 20 percent of the population, respectively
d.      A2 cells react with Dolichos biflorus lectin

41. Which one of the following organisms do not usually stain with an acid-fast stain, or one of its variants:
a.      Mycobacterium
b.      Cryptosporidium
c.      Actinomyces israelii
d.      Nocardia
42. Which of the following would be the most appropriate temperature for long term storage of viral cultures:
a.      4° C
b.      -20° C,
c.      -70° C
d.      Room temperature
43. Which of the following would be the most appropriate method to confirm a positive protein from a urine dipstick:
a.      Immunoelectropheresis
b.      Heat precipitation
c.      Sulfosalicylic acid precipitation
d.      Protein electrophoresis
44. Circulating organic iodine is found primarily in the form of:
a.      Triiodothyronine
b.      Parathyroid hormone
c.      Thyroglobulin
d.      Thyroxine
45. Which of the following conditions would be suggested by a marked rise in alkaline phosphatase, jaundice, and a moderate rise in ALT:
a.      Cardiovascular disease
b.      Hemolytic anemia
c.      Post-hepatic obstruction
d.      Renal failure
46. Which of the following organisms is the most common cause of acute cystitis:
a.      Escherichia coli
b.      Klebsiella pneumoniae
c.      Chlamydia trachomatis
d.      Staphylococcus epidermidis
47. A fluorometer operates on which of the following principles:
a.      Measures amount of light absorbed by a given compound
b.      Measures changes in emitted wavelength of light after absorption by an analyte
c.      Measures amount of light scattered by the analyte in question
d.      Measures light emitted at two or more wavelengths
48. Which of the following statement about synovial fluid is true:
a.      Markedly elevated neutrophils always correspond to bacterial joint infection
b.      Patients with gout involving joints will have markedly elevated neutrophils in their synovial fluid
c.      Fungal joint infections have synovial fluid with numerous lymphocytes
d.      Tuberculous joint infections have synovial fluid with numerous plasma cells
49. Rheumatoid factor reacts with which the following :
a.      Fc fragment of IgM
b.      Fab fragment of IgM
c.      Fab fragment of IgG
d.      Fc fragment of IgG
50. Gamma irradiation of cellular blood components is required in which of the following situations:
a.      Prevent post-transfusion purpura
b.      Prevent Graft-Versus-Host (GVH) disease
c.      Sterile components
d.      Prevent non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema
51. Patients with which of the following conditions would benefit most from washed red cells:
a.      Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia
b.      Cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia
c.      Elevated serum potassium
d.      Multiple red cell alloantibodies
52. Cryoglobulin testing can be used to:
a.      Screen for rheumatoid arthritis,
b.      Diagnose syphilis
c.      Screen for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
d.      Help diagnose Raynaud's syndrome
53. Which is arranged from least mature to most mature:
a.      Myeloblast, Myelocyte, Band, Neutrophil, Metamyelocyte, Promyelocyte, Stem Cell
b.      Stem Cell, Myeloblast, Promyelocyte, Myelocyte, Metamyelocyte, Band, Neutrophil
c.      Stem Cell, Promyelocyte, Metamyelocyte, Neutrophil, Myeloblast, Myelocyte, Band
d.      Neutrophil, Band, Metamyelocyte, Myelocyte, Promyelocyte, Myeloblast, Stem Cell
54. The measurement of total glycosylated hemoglobin A1c is an effective means of assessing the average blood glucose levels:
a.      Over the past 1-2 weeks
b.      Over the past 2-3 months
c.      Only the past 24 hours
d.      Only the past 12 hours
55. Bacitracin susceptibility is useful for which two of the following:
a.      Distinguishing Staphylococci from micrococci
b.      Presumptive identification of Group A streptococci
c.      Identification of Haemophilus
d.      Identification of Neisseria
e.      Both a & b
56. Which of the following is the proper temperature to use when crossmatching in the presence of a cold antibody:
a.      37 degrees Celsius
b.      25 degrees Celsius
c.      15 degrees Celsius
d.      4 degrees Celsius
57. When a urine specimen cannot be cultured immediately it may be:
a.      Stored at room temperature for up to 8 hours
b.      Stored in freezer for up to 24 hours
c.      Neisseria
d.      Stored at 4° C for up to 24 hours
58.  Platelet should be stored at what temperature :
a.      1-6 degrees Celsius
b.      10-16 degrees Celsius
c.      20-24 degrees Celsius
d.      34-37 degrees Celsius
59. The recommended temperature/time/pressure for routine steam sterilization of media is:
a.      121° C for 8-10 minutes at 10 psi
b.      121° C for 12-15 minutes at 15 psi
c.      220° C for 8-10 minutes at 10 psi
d.      220° C for 12-15 minutes at 15 psi
60. Which of the following casts might be found in the urine of a healthy individual after strenuous exercise:
a.      Epithelial cell casts
b.      Hyaline casts
c.      Granular casts
d.      Waxy casts

Answer key with explanations

1. a The FTA-ABS is not intended for use as a screening test. It should only be used to differentiate between true positives, false positives, and in late or latent syphilis.
2.Hemolysis could result from improper specimen collection technique, or improper storage.
3. Metabolic acidosis is the result of either: 1) accumulation of abnormal levels of organic acids, often secondary to diabetic ketoacidosis, or lactic acidosis, 2) excessive loss of bicarbonate as in severe diarrhea, or 3) reduced excretion of acids as in renal failure. All these conditions result in a decrease in pH. The body compensates by hyperventilating, and lowering pCO2, in an attempt to restore normal pH, resulting in a compensated or partially compensated metabolic acidosis.
4. Capsular swelling results from the addition of specific capsular antibody to an isolate of the organism. This test is generally not required for routine diagnosis.
5. a 
6. c
7. Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) is a mathematical expression of size variation used to quantify anisocytosis. The higher the RDW, the greater the anisocytosis. RDW is increased in iron deficiency, and tends to be normal in thalassemia. Increased RDW may be an early indication of iron deficiency, where it may precede the onset of microcytosis.
8. d Group B streptococci are characterized by a positive cAMP test. Streptococcus pneumoniae is characterized by Optochin susceptibility Enterococci are positive by the bile-esculin test.
9. b
10.d  Cellulose acetate and agarose gels are most commonly used in the clinical laboratory.
11. a
12. c
13. a
14. e Spherocytes result from removal of small amounts of erythrocyte membrane, with resultant reduction in surface to volume ratio. This may occur in the reticuloendothelial system, as in hereditary sherocytosis and autoimmune hemolytic anemia, or may be due to direct injury of red cells, as in patients with severe burns.
15. b  Prospective donors over 65 may be accepted at the discretion of the blood bank physician. Many donor centers safely involve elderly donors in their collection programs.
16.d  Various Streptococci are the most common causes of endocarditis, although many other organisms have been implicated.
17. d
18. b   Prozone effect (due to antibody excess) will result in an initial false negative in spite of the large amount of antibody in the serum, followed by a positive result as the specimen is diluted.
19. d
20.c Therapeutic Hemapheresis is the process of removing a harmful blood component, and returned the remaining blood components to the patient. The examples sited above are indications for plasmapheresis, in which plasma containing a harmful substance is removed from the body, and replaced with FFP or other volume expanders, depending on the patient's condition.
21.d   Remaining nuclear fragments found in reticulocytes take up the methylene blue dye.
22.a   Gram positive organisms resist decolorization with acetone-alcohol. Gram negative organisms are decolorized, and subsequently stain with safranin.
23. Since each unit of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) carries with it the risk of transmitting blood borne pathogens, and other products which do not carry this risk are available, FFP should not be used as a volume expander.
24.b "TC" means the total volume contained in the pipette - you must blow out to remove total contents.
25. b  Isotonic or normal saline is a 0.85 % solution of sodium chloride in water.
26. c
27. b
28. d
29. d
30. b
31.a  Sensitivity refers to the percentage or fraction of patients with a given disease in a given population who will have a positive test.
32. b
33. c
34. b
35. d   The normal pH of blood is 7.40. In order for most metabolic processes to take place, the pH must remain within a narrow range close to this value. The range is usually defined in adults as 7.35-7.45. If blood pH falls below 7.35, the blood becomes too acidic (acidosis). If blood rises above 7.45, the blood is too alkaline (alkalosis). As blood pH decreases, the kidneys will retain bicarbonate (HCO3-) from the glomerular filtrate; therefore, bicarbonate is increased. However, in this case, the increased HCO3 could not compensate for the markedly elevated pCO2 (the respiratory component) and the condition that results is uncompensated respiratory acidosis.
36.d  Normal ratio of serum to CSF Protein is about 200 to 1, or less than 1%. Elevation of CSF total protein is a nonspecific finding, but usually indicates some type of disease involving the brain or meninges.
37.d   Methylene blue stain can be used to visualize the metachromatic granules that are characteristic of C. diphtheriae.
38.d   Shigella and Salmonella are not found as normal flora in the gastrointestinal tract.
39. c    A hapten is an incomplete antigen.
40. d   Dolichos biflorus lectin has anti-A1 specificity.
42. c    Cultures can be stored at either -20° or -70°, but -70 is preferred for long term storage.
43.  c
44. d   Iodine circulates as thyroxine (T4) and to and to a lesser extent as Triiodothyronine (T3).
45. c   Post-hepatic obstruction is characterized by a marked increase in conjugated bilirubin.
46.  a
47.  b
48. b
49. d
50.b   Transfusion related Graft-Versus-Host disease is a rare condition usually following transfusion of patients whose immune system is severely compromised. It occurs when T lymphocytes present in the transfused unit replicate and attack the tissues of the recipient. Gamma irradiation prevents this condition by inactivating T lymphocytes in the donor unit. Gamma irradiation of cellular blood components is required when: 1.The donor is a blood relative of the recipient, 2. intrauterine transfusions, 3. The recipient has a selected immunodeficiency condition, 4. The recipient has received a bone marrow transplant.
51. c   Washing not only reduces the number of leukocytes and platelets that are often responsible for febrile reactions, but also eliminates anticoagulants, ammonia, lactic acid, and potassium.
52. d    Cryoglobulin is an abnormal serum protein with a unique ability to precipitate when exposed to cold temperatures. Cryoglobulin is present in Raynaud's syndrome.
53. b
54. b    The concentration of hemoglobin A1c is directly proportional to the average plasma glucose level that the RBCs are exposed to during their 120 day life span. The glycosylated hemoglobins result from glycosylation of serine, asparagine, and hydroxylysine residues in hemoglobin. There are three glycosylated hemoglobins: Hb A1a, Hb A1b, and Hb A1c, of which Hb A1c constitutes 80%. Most methods measure total gycosylated hemoglobin, which has a high degree of correlation to Hb A1c, and may be reported as such after making the appropriate conversion.
55.  e   Staphylococci are resistant to bacitracin while micrococcus are sensitive. Group A betahemolytic Streptococci are sensitive to bacitracin, while most other Groups are resistant.
56. a    Most antibodies that are inactive at 37 degrees Celsius, and active only below 37 degrees Celsius (i.e. cold reactive antibodies), are of little clinical significance.
57.  d
58.c   Platelets should be stored at 20-24 degrees Celsius with continuous gentle agitation. They should be infused within 4 hours after the seal on a platelet unit is broken.
59. b
60. b   Hyaline casts may be seen in healthy individuals particularly after exercise.

يُتبع  Continued    


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